Instagram is an essential and powerful tool in exposure. Whether it's strictly generating engagement and traffic to a website or cultivating an aesthetic for an organization, this facet of social media is rich with marketing opportunity. My agency experience has allowed me to manage, conceptualize, create and aggregate meaningful content for Instagram utilized across appropriate platforms strategically. From conceptualizing post series so your account maintains its look and feel, to coming up with fresh, creative perspectives true to your brand while inserting you into timely conversations, my work breaks the lattes and sunsets mold. Check out samples of my content management below!
In light of the havoc #coronavirus is causing worldwide, Mulji Creative Group is eager to extend our services to small businesses in need of a helping hand. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It can be tricky to pivot very quickly from an in-person to all digital business - we know. Our team wants to help your business get back on track! We’ve built 3 customized mini packages at a discounted rate with quick turnaround times. These packages are all focused on getting small business and solo entrepreneurs ready for the current digital-first economy. For more info and inquiries, click on our #linkinbio or DM us!
As creatives, our workspace changes constantly. But for those of you new to the remote work world, welcome! You’ve probably been told to keep your same routine, schedule breaks, put on pants (what!) and the usual. But we say, mix it up! Light some incense, move your desk to the balcony, wear a sequined gown. Keep things interesting to hold off cabin fever. What type of environment best facilitates your creativity?
We’re happy to introduce our new Medium channel! Inspired by our creatives, this will serve as a space to share all things marketing, design and content stemming from the experiences of our team. To kick things off, we’re starting with a series about self-care in the current climate titled "Creatively Quarantined” where our team members share their self-care endeavors and how the outbreak is affecting their creativity.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ First up, Haylee, our creative writer, talks about taking advantage of the space quarantine provides for creating while dealing with the stress and anxiety of the pandemic. Click the #linkinbio for her insights!
If you’ve had a hard time managing lately, (who hasn’t?) you might feel at capacity. When we feel maxed out emotionally and mentally, it’s easy to totally shut down, but that can be so hard to come back from. If you need a break, take it! Focus on replenishment. What’s an easy thing you do to re-up? 🔋
It's been very easy for us, as we’re sure it has for you, to get pulled into the spiral of bad news and worse news. It takes some serious will to get out of. We’ve found the best trick for snapping out of a harmful narrative is to create a simple gratitude list. You could even be preemptive and make it part of your morning routine. Here’s what we’re grateful for today. What about you?
We know you know the joys of being a pet parent. But have you heard of all the science-based evidence? According to research, pets reduce anxiety with companionship, help manage stress with sensory relief, add structure to your days and even help you meet new people and incentivize exercise. If you don’t have a pet or are in the mood to fill some space in your apartment during quarantine, Best Friends of NY is in urgent need of fosters while adoption rates are down. It’s the perfect way to help a fur friend and yourself. Apply to be a foster at the #linkinbio!
Hey wait! Pause your scroll! Take a minute or 5 or 10. If you want to get back to that task or goal you’re working on and finish it up effectively, you’ve got to give your PFC (Prefrontal Cortex) a little TLC. . Did you know prolonged attention to a single task can actually hinder performance? The PFC is responsible for decision-making, willpower and concentration. So even when you’re not doing something goal-oriented, it’s still working hard. Reactivating that focus after a brief break gives you the boost you need to do your best work. So go on, take the weekend to rest and reset. And on Monday, remember to mosey over to your favorite co-worker and hit the cafe before you get back to hitting the books.
It’s much easier to be proactive than retroactive about your health. The inconvenience of gym time or cooking definitely beats the inconvenience of disease. Men’s health isn’t advocated enough, but we’re changing that. Let’s talk about some healthy habits you can easily implement into your lifestyle. 1. Get moving – If you’re already a weight-lifting regular, that’s great and you’re great and keep it up. But make sure to vary your workouts. You should implement a mix of stretching, aerobics and muscle training. 2. Feed your head – Because testosterone levels begin to decline, men over 30 are at higher risk for anxiety and depression. Take serious note of these changes and talk to your doctor about the many options for getting your mental health back on track. 3. Sleeeeeeeep – Sleep is absolutely crucial. A lot of men tend to think they can compensate for lack of sleep by energizing with exercise, but no dice, guys. Get at least 7 hours. Yes, every night.
It’s #DiabetesAwarenessMonth and we’re gearing up. As one of the leading causes of disability in the United States, Diabetes should be taken seriously. That means staying on top of your blood pressure, cholesterol and preventative care. This month, take the stairs instead of the escalator, cut some sugar from your diet and encourage someone you know to find out their risk. Read more about Diabetes on our blog at the #linkinbio.
You hear it a lot this time of year - Vitamin C! Did you know that our bodies don’t produce #VitaminC on their own? But it’s a known immune helper and studies have shown with regular intake, it can reduce the length of colds. That means making sure you’re eating the recommended 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, and not just pounding Emergen-C when you’re already sick. It’s best to get Vitamin C from your diet but talk to your doctor about a supplement if you’re worried about a deficiency. Check out our blog at #linkinbio for more essential nutrients to stay on top of this #winter!
While some of us are all “Yay, it’s cold!” the rest of us are all, “Ugh, it’s cold.” Do you tire easily, get sick more often, or feel down during #winter? A lot of people do. East coasters are way more likely to suffer #vitaminD deficiency than the rest the country, and that can cause a lot of lethargy and mood changes. Check out our story for some easy ways to up your vitamin D and energy this season!
#MouthCancerActionMonth! That means – you guessed it. Taking control of our health. As with all illnesses, the chance of surviving mouth cancer is greatly improved if it’s detected early. Tobacco, excessive alcohol use and poor diet are big culprits in the causes of mouth cancer, so do your head a favor and ditch them. HPV is also a risk factor, which reminds us to remind you to go ahead and book that STD test.